
A collection of creative work produced during my time as an art director and brand designer with Wingstop. This includes multiple campaigns and a rebranding effort.


Art Direction & Brand Design



Wingstop Design system

A brand that can’t be stopped deserves a visual style that can’t be ignored. From out-of-home to online and everything in between – the food is front and center, demanding attention and stoking the Crave. To emphasize the hand-crafted quality of Wingstop’s food, we hand-crafted a custom typeface for the brand. “Sauce” is a utilitarian typeface created to mimic the sharp edges used in other areas of the system. Also, much like how Wingstop has a variety of flavors that cater to different people, Sauce was altered into different styles and weights to fit any occasion.


It took Wingstop’s Greatest Flavor Creators 9 attempts to create the perfect barbeque smoke wings. We turned that story of perseverance into a multimedia campaign for this limited-time offer.

Winging Out

4/20, or April the 20th for the uninitiated, is a special day for wing lovers. On this day, the wings sell themselves, so instead of a “traditional” ad, we wanted to give the fans a little something to enjoy. 24 hours of non-stop crave takeover on

Edwing Mendez // Copyright 2023

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